Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Free Pattern - Stellar Cowl with Zoom Loom and Tempo Yarn

I love that I can take my Zoom Loom from Schacht anywhere I go including the local coffee shop here in town, Stellar Coffee Company where my Tuesday afternoon knitting group meets.

Last week I headed over to Stellar Coffee to meet my knitting group thinking I'd just relax and have a coffee.

At the last minute I threw in the squares I'd just woven on my Zoom Loom using the fabulous Tempo Filutura di Crosa by S. Charles yarn in one of this season's newest colors, Tangerine Dream.

I wanted to do something quick and easy with no thought needed. As I l laid the squares out and started to stitching them together, a cowl evolved. Even better, it was made from only one ball of this fabulous Tempo yarn. 

This cowl can be worn many ways. Spread it out wide or fold it in half. It's short enough that it doesn't interfere with your work. Best off all, it's fun to wear. 


And now it's available as a FREE PATTERN at Schacht Spindle Blog. So buy some Tempo yarn, grab your Zoom Loom and head on down to your local coffee shop and make a Stellar Cowl.

Thanks to Alice, Barista at Stellar Coffee Co. for modeling my new cowl.