Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer Solstice

The time the sun moves into Cancer, is the all-out celebration of the sun, of long days and warm evenings and of life out-of-doors. This is the time of the "longest day." when we, in contrast to the Winter Solstice, honor the light and focus on outward activity with picnics, fireworks and other festivities. This is the ancient time of celebration of outward joy in the fullness of life, and the richness of our blessings. -Danaan Parry

Listening to Divine Love from Vision - The Music of Hildegard von Bingen as I remember this past week. No need to remind me that summer is here in full force. On one of my early morning walks as I tried to beat the heat, I observed the glint of gold on dragonflies by the lake as fuzzy ducklings paddled quickly to keep up with their mother. Two little birds perched on a tall reed which bent in an arc from their weight. They blended in with their background, the green algae around the edge of the water. A painter sat in the shade of a large tree trying to capture the beauty of the morning lake with the snow capped mountains in the background. Ah, if I'd only brought my camera. Summer is here in all its glory.

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