Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tiger Lily

Be free from the petty things yet true to the big ones. Things born of artificial education, be free of them. Throw to the four winds - an iconoclast. Be individual. Obey law and be absolutely guided by Principle, yet be individual. That means emancipation. Get right out and blow the top off the atmosphere. -- Florence Fleming Noyes

Listening to In my Soul, Mark Adams Allison (composer) Tempting the Muse Mysteria, as I enjoy my Sunday morning quiet time.

For a short time in my life I was privileged to be part of a group called Tiger Lilies --a group of women who danced together, seeking their own authenticity, their personal power. Women who acknowledged and nurtured the artist in each other, as we are all artists; a group of women who related to the earth and celebrated her seasons. This group helped define who I am now, a person who chooses to live a life that nurtures my authentic self. From time to time I'll share some of the material from my "Tiger Lily" file that I hope will be inspirational to you as well.

This is the closest to a Tiger Lily picture that I had in my file taken from the flower arrangements at my son's wedding in 2005 and then computer manipulated.

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